Compensa la huella de carbono de tu mascota.
Offset easily your pets carbon Co2 footprint
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We love our Bassets Fauves De Bretagne... we feed them the best possible way, we take them daily for a walk... we consider them part of our family
but we love as much our planet, our environment, our forest...
to take care of both, we need to be eco-conscious, we have to realize that ours Basset Fauve De Bretagnes generate annually on average a pawprint of 800 kg of CO2e... their feeding, their cleaning... all that have an impact, and we are here to facilitate you an easy, secure and trustable way to compensate our furry eco-impact.
By acquiring this Co2e Compensation Certificate you are helping our Planet to offset your beloved dog impact on the world´s climate
Many worldwide pet parents have begun to wonder about their furry friends impact on the planet.
An average dog (15 kg weight) generates annually 630 kilos of CO2e carbon emissions.
The environmental impact of our dogs & cats has been deeply analysed and most studies take into consideration the impact of pet food, urine & faeces, small treats we give them...on Climate change (Co2e), ozone depletion (CFC-11e), human toxicity (CTUh), terrestrial eutrophication, freshwater and marine eutrophication, freshwater ecotoxicity...
The first thing that we, as eco-friendly pet parents, have to do is to take conscience of the impact being generated.
Small things help al lot, just picking our dog faeces and not letting them on the floor make an important change in terms of freshwater ecotoxicity, pollution generated by municipal cleaning services...
And also, we must consider offsetting the Co2 pawprint of our dogs and cats by investing in Co2 compensation projects.
Offsetting is a climate action that enables individuals and organizations to compensate for the emissions they cannot avoid, by supporting worthy projects that reduce emissions somewhere else.
The easiest and more instant way to help is by purchasing a certificate of Co2 offsetting.
We, at EcoPawPet, will take care of investing it in a United Nations certified project.
Many worldwide pet parents have begun to wonder about the impact their furry friends are having on the planet.
What do we know about dogs & cats’ pawprint?
Three are the major environmental impact our pets companions exert:
1st Greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere each year due to Pet diets mostly coming from meat. Their diet means and impact on water, fossil fuel, fertilizer and pesticide use associated with producing that meat and on top of that, the energy costs of transporting, slaughtering, or processing feeding animals to become pet food.
2nd CO2 impact produced by plastic waste and transport cost associated with dog and cat poop.
As responsible pet parents, we pick up pets’ poop, ending using hundreds of petroleum-based plastic baggies a year. Even the “biodegradable” alternatives aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
3rd Plastic garbage. Our love for our pets ends many times happily in toys and treats for them. Toys are important to dogs’ mental and physical health, but many are made of plastic or contain elements that are difficult to recycle — and their durability is often poor. All this discretionary stuff must be produced, packaged, shipped and, in many cases, delivered to our doors.
What can we do about it?
We can help our planet by Offsetting our pet impact on the climate.
What is offsetting?
Offsetting is a climate action that enables individuals and organizations to compensate for the emissions they cannot avoid, by supporting worthy projects that reduce emissions somewhere else.
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduced through offsetting are measured in UN Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The CERs are generated from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. These projects, which are located in developing countries, earn 1 CER for each metric tonne of GHG emissions they reduce or avoid and are measured in CO2 equivalent (CO2-eq). The CERs can then be bought by people and organizations to offset their own unavoidable emissions or as a contribution to the global climate action.
Podenco Maneto - 4 years old
Our company is formed by a group of eco-friendly pet parents with an immense goal, to help to offset all the CO2 emission that are being generated on a daily basis by our beloved furies.
We want to provide pet parents with the easiest way to compensate OUR PLANET for the ecological impact our pets are, without any guilt, but without any doubt, creating.
Our goal is to provide a completely secure and transparent CO2 offsetting procedure by identifying ,among United Nations approved projects, the most impactful carbon capture ones.
We are the only Co2 offsetting platform specialized in dog and cats ecological pawprint.
For the Spanish speaking community we have developed ECOMASCOTAS - https://www.ecopawpet.com/ecomascotas